Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Journey of a Lifetime - Paula Finn

"You're on the journey of a lifetime...

A journey no one else will travel and no
one else can judge - a path of happiness
and hurt, where the challenges are great
and the rewards even greater...

You're on a journey where each experience
will teach you something valuable and you
can't get lost, for you already know the
way by heart.

You're on a journey that is universal
yet uniquely personal, and profound yet
astonishingly simple - where sometimes
you will stumble and other times you
will soar. You'll learn that even at your
darkest point, you can find a light - if you
look for it. at the most difficult crossroad,
you'll have an answer - if you listen for
it. Friends and family will accompany you
part of the way, and you'll walk the rest
by yourself... but you will never be alone.

Travel at your own pace. There'll be time
enough to learn all you need to know and
go as far as you're meant to go. Travel
light. Letting go of extra baggage will keep
your arms open and your heart free to
fully embrace the gifts of the moment.

You may not always know exactly where
you're headed, but if you follow the desires
of your heart, the integrity of your
conscience, and the wisdom of your soul...
then each step you take will lead you to
discover more of who you really are, and it
will be a step in the right direction on the
journey of a lifetime"

Monday, 20 October 2014

A Woman's Psalm (139) - Emily Nabholz SCN

You have searched me and know me.

I am a woman...on a journey through life
I am searching for my innermost self to claim who I am as a woman
I am going beyond reflection
I am a woman on an inner search

This inner search leads me to stop running away from you
      - to trust your ever abiding presence
      - to trust your inner workings in me as a woman

I am a woman full of light and shadows
        full of love and fear
        full of hope and despair
But you are there to lead me - to help me
You are the light of my life
I could ask the darkness to hide me
You call me out of darkness
Darkness and light are all the same to you
You accept me just as I am
A woman of light and shadows; love, fear; hope and despair

As I look around and remember your goodness to me my heart is glad
As a woman, I ever seek you in all your ways

You created every part of me
You put me together in my mother’s womb, 
In the womb of life, I am nurtured and nourished, protected and loved
I praise you for the gift of life - for the gift of being woman

I am a woman of remembering, I am a woman of reflection
I realize the days you give me are all recorded in your book
Your thoughts are so above my thoughts, your knowledge of me is too deep 
It is beyond my understanding

Examine me, O Lord, and know me through and through
Let me be naked and open before you, for you are my God
I am a woman in awe and praise of you
Teach me to pray
Pray within me, my Lord and my God